Scavenger Hunt for Thanksgiving Baskets

JOIN US AS WE BLESS FAMILIES in need with Thanksgiving Baskets and have a great time together doing it!

When: Sunday, November 8th, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Where: Our local neighborhoods and Integrity Church
How: This is the fun part 🙂

FOOD DONATORS: Purchase items from the list on the flyer and leave them on your front step by 2pm on Sunday, 11/8. No one will knock or ask for you. Give a flyer to your neighbors to invite them to leave food. Donate any amount of food; nothing is too much or too small.


DRIVERS: Your mission is to drive your youth team on a designated route to pick up the food then return them back to the church. Simple and fun.
YOUTH: You will go up to the house and pick up the food. The team with the most points for the food is the “Winner”.
EVERYONE ELSE: We will decoupage boxes & wait for the teams to come back. We will tally up their points and fill the Thanksgiving baskets with food!


  • If you would like to donate food, download a flyer, purchase items on the list and be prepared to leave them out on your step on Sunday, 11/8.
  • If you are a youth, sign up in the church's Welcome Center to join a small team that will be picking up designated food.
  • If you are over 25, sign up in the church's Welcome Center to be a driver for the youth.
  • If you are younger than youth group age or older (and do not want to drive), please sign up in the church's Welcome Center to help organize the collected food and decorate the Thanksgiving boxes.
  • The more the merrier and the more we collect, the more people we can bless. Any questions, please see or call Barbara Drenzyk: 516-972-3263.